1. Product Liability Study:

When an attorney came to Escamilla Law Firm, PLLC with a client who had been catastrophically injured in a forklift accident, it looked liked the worker’s compensation coverage was all that was available. John Escamilla dug into the circumstances of why the workers mishandled the 900 pound industrial tire that ended up crushing his client’s pelvis. Escamilla sued the tire manufacturer for failing to give fair warnings on the handling of its product, as well as two other companies. He dared to take on Titan, and both his client and referral attorneys were glad he did.

2. Dram Shop/Liquor Liability Study:

Escamilla Law Firm, PLLC was approached about a case involving catastrophic injury to a man caused by a drunk driver with only minimal insurance coverage. Escamilla dug into the facts of the accident, and went after the party that was the real cause of the accident – a bar that overserved a woman who then got behind the wheel and hurt someone else. Whenever he has a client hurt by a drunk driver, Escamilla Law Firm, PLLC fights to hold the restaurant or bar accountable for the harm.

3. Premises Liability Study:

John Escamilla was hired to look into a “freak accident” involving an out-of-control car in a parking lot that crashed into a building and killed three innocent people inside. Escamilla dug into why it happened, and ended up suing no less than five companies after realizing there were known risks, and steps that could have prevented it. He took over forty depositions, and fought all the way to the state Supreme Court, before winning there and changing the law. Through pure grit and determination, John Escamilla made a difference for his clients— and the entire state— by helping to change the law. http://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmlr/vol45/iss3/4/

4. Workplace Accident Study:

In 2018, Escamilla Law Firm, PLLC resolved a case against a construction company on behalf of a client who was hurt by a careless operator of an industrial front-end loader. His client’s injuries were initially thought to be “minor” (no medical care that day). But after taking the case, John Escamilla made sure the client got medical treatments, and then grilled the careless driver and company managers, exposing many bad practices. It ended up paying over $400,000 in damages to make the case go away, more than ten times his past and future medical bills. Client received $210,295 after expense and paying all medical bills.

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